Sunday, February 26, 2017

Dream interpretations: Impostors plotting your downfall

What a lovely dream. I dreamt of this serene beautiful beautiful location. Heaps of sand, some dome of island. Beautiful reflecting waters, sand beneath my toes in between, on my feet, sun beaming down on me. I kept circling the sand heaps over and over on top of them, i saw the statue of liberty. I was with someone, a guy. I wanted him to make love to me on the beach.

Except he wasn't in tune with me, he was distant. His mind was elsewhere, he wanted to be elsewhere. He acted as if I was a bother. I kept following him around  the heaps of sand he kept trying to get away. It was a chase. And just then, i left the sand but was still on a beach, i found where my guy had went, he was with another woman, a group of them.

I was devastated. I was hidden out of sight, lurking, watching behind something. Then I left. I ended up near cats, then near giant seagulls and pelicans, they were human size with orange vibrant beaks. There were cats, everything seemed majestic but then up close looked injured. The eagles/ seagulls had injuries on their cheeks when they turned their faces, the smaller seagulls seemingly were feeding the large birds through their mouths but in actuality they were preying on the weaker birds.

What i thought was an act of kindness, a feeding. Was seagulls eating the birds faces, as i got closer the beaks of the other birds were withering away & then once the seagulls realized i was onto them, they completely began to eat the other birds beaks right off their faces, then it snapped, before it snapped the weaker bird looked at me for help, defenseless, but it was too late. It was quite ironic because the human size eagles were weaker than the small ones. The small birds in a pact worked better against the larger birds who were alone.

This dream means to me that I must be wary of who I trust. Those in my life who claim to have good intentions. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. Waiting for me to have my guard down with the impression that they work in my favor. For my preservation but in actuality when you look closer they're working in favor of my demise, plotting it. Sometimes those who give you the impression that you need them, actually need you. The big birds being cannibalized by the small ones highlights their vulnerability although large, they were still humble, graceful. The smaller ones in pacts were able to work together in order to reach their ultimate goal of consuming the large birds.

On the surface it looked as if the seagulls were helping the others but when I looked closely I saw reality. One must pay attention and remain vigilant to avoid being victimized.

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