Monday, February 27, 2017

Signs from Above- Rainbows; Keep on Striving

 Woke up this morning to a beautiful and once again familiar sight. For there was a rainbow on my bedroom floor.

I always thought of rainbows as symbolizing that everything will be alright. Communications from guardian angels. Perhaps those who've departed long before. Rainbows to me are little, just keep striving motivations. Signs from above. The universe's way of saying Hey I see you trying, working hard toward your goals. Here's to you. There's light at the end of the tunnel and all your hard work is gonna pay off. If not right now then someday, definitely someday.

Reminders. Signs, signals that someone up there is always listening even when you least expect it.
At first I thought that rainbows were shown exclusively in the sky. However, I later discovered that rainbows can appear in various other .
places as well.  For instance in oil mixed with water. Hence the pictures below.
I mostly spotted them in pools of water on the gravel paved roads.
oil and water= rainbow

I can recall walking past vehicles that were leaking oil and gas and it would hit the ground recently wet from rain.
That would jump start a reaction that would create a swirl of rainbows. How amazing I thought.

One just can't deny the beauty of a rainbow.

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