Monday, October 23, 2017

Poem 4

Poem4 Moments

Every time I look at children
I am reminded of a little me, so silly
Not a care in the world
Oblivious to the pain around me
Climbing tree trunks like one of the boys
Trying so desperately to keep up
Me so small
Trekking behind my big brothers like an energetic Chihuahua
I wanted them to know that I too could hang
Anything you can do I can do better
At school stink bombs went off in the bathroom
Rancid sulfuric rotten egg smelling
As we all held our noses
Our teachers looked for the culprit
 Unable to find those
Mischievous little trouble makers
The same ones who’d spit wads stuck to the ceiling
They were made of several sheets of that brown recycled paper towel
Just the right amount of sticky soap
And Water, lots of it
But all us kids knew
 and we’d giggle till our bellies felt that they would surely burst
and it’s that uncontrollable laughter that kept us alive
I smelled of funnel cake, candy corn and cotton candy
So sweet, bees would follow me for I was their treat
 and I’d be busy trying to swat them off
At Coney Island I would make my sand castles with my favorite shovel and pail
Then I found out I could bring the ocean home with me
My bag full of a variety of seashells
I would listen into the shells my face and ear pressed up against it
And I’d be back at the beach once again
I would ride the Ferris wheel up to the tippy top
Overlooking all the people resembling ants
My dear mother by my side, with her I was fearless
Stress free I was careless
The red cart was my favorite, so I’d wait patiently for it to come back down
At the park I would swing and swing so high
No limits with hopes of reaching the sky
Feet back, feet forward, feet back, feet forward
And I would frolic through the freshly fallen leaves
Water droplets so neat glazing their exteriors
And I would collect them
Searching for the “crispiest” one
Red and juicy as an apple
The next month I would become a snow angel,
Hiding behind snow forts, a neighborhood warzone
Girls against boys, best friends against neighbors
I would put a cup outside my window to collect fresh snow
Then I’d bring it inside and put milk and sugar in it
I always admired snowflakes, there’s this funny thing about ‘em
Where when they’re falling in groups you can barely spot their individual beauty
Their astonishing shapes and patterns I would only notice when a single one fell on my face
There’s beauty in numbers they say
But these snowflakes were even better alone
Sheets of snow pasted against the cars
Their glitter shining
Then the snow would clear and the birds would chirp
The dreaded bugs would come back
And life started all over again
These cycles in repeat makes me question whether or not there really is an end

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