Monday, October 23, 2017

Poem 3 with revisions Unfamiliar Face Shared Place

Poem 3 Revised Unfamiliar Face
There’s this person with an eerie resemblance
Eyes staring right into my soul
Back from that mirror on the wall
Splitting image
We move in unison
She copies my movements
Were so much alike
Yet I still feel far away
I am two in my own way
My own thoughts obstacles
One vessel harboring two ages
Yet were one
Except from two time zones
A reminder of my past
Of who I once was
She’s been hiding underneath all these layers of “protection”
Like clothes
I strip it off, that extra baggage
Like I’m taking off heavy winter coats as summer approaches
The weight became too much to bear
The sun reflected off that mirror
Burning straight through my “coat”
Skin clammy and pruney
I see her through me
She’s only visible
Heat burn like when you rub your skin against the rug
Who is she?
The old me?
She’s been in captivity in my own body
Now I’m aged twenty-three
But she still follows me
Always there like a shadow


  1. The poem was great. I can actually relate. We all have an 'old self' that lives behind the exterior of our 'new self'. It's masked with growth but still it lurks behind it all. We lose familiarity with the old self. Sometimes it's frightening when they peek out. Great poem.

  2. Thank you,
    It's like all too often when were children we spend time wishing to be older then when we actually reach that age were left wondering where the time went and that we had appreciated the things we took for granted.
