Thursday, November 16, 2017

Life in the Melting Pot Poem 5

Living in the Melting Pot
We all are in the same place
Yet headed to separate destinations
But, how different are we really?
I hear different native tongues and dialects
How they roll of the tongue so smoothly fascinates me
Intrigued by this foreign sound
So many cultures
& Religious affiliations
Every continent now brought to one country
They say NYC is a “melting pot”
And now I can see why
You know the way when you put your stew pot on the stove to cook
How when the contents start boiling over when the flame is turned up too high
The ingredients all blended together
Only this fusion creates the perfect meal
For it’s our differences that make us unique
As tasty and as brilliant as that stew made up of many things
Every part of this dish stemming from different parts of the globe
People serve as seasonings
Tomatoes from Canada
Chiles from Mexico
Cassavas from Africa
Bok Choy from China
Potatoes from Idaho
Spice from India
Sweet Potatoes from Puerto Rico
Chicken from that Halal Live Poultry meat Market
I too am an ingredient in this pot that makes up the delicious “stew”
An important aspect not to be overlooked
It’s our uniqueness that makes this country great
That allows it to operate and thrive and be alive
This diversity works for me
This is the place that I want to be

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