Sunday, February 18, 2018

AGC- The young hopeless romantic. Perhaps forever alone.

I feel so alone. I long for a man's touch warm embrace. The way his stubble would rub against my soft skin. As I write this I'm crying with a deep stinging pain straight through to my soul. I feel a void within my heart. I have so much to offer. Yet I'm still single. I want so much to love. But that part of my life is nonexistent. I'm funny, compassionate, goal-oriented, intelligent. A great cook, supportive, yet I still lay here every single night alone. Crying and sobbing into my pillows constantly begging the creator and the universe why he hasn't sent my Mr. Right to me yet. Everytime I meet a guy and were deep in stimulating intellectual conversation the question plagues my mind Is this the one? You see. Although very much sexual I'm looking for a spiritual connection as well. I see all the couples my age on the internet. I feel outcasted once again. Perhaps many gentleman have been thrown my way but I unconsciously dodged them. That's because there's more than just a pretty face that attracts me. My heart aches at the passion fueled nights I spent with my ex. We would stay awake chasing each other around childlishly frolicking through the house. With him I could be myself. He knew me inside and out. I was going to marry him. But it was abruptly stopped. Apparently not a part of God's plan for me. Cause you know how it goes. First comes love then comes marriage then shortly after the baby in the baby carriage. Where the f#!& is the guy for me? Where are you!? Cause right now I feel destined to be alone for the rest of my life.

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