Sunday, February 18, 2018

Am I seeing double? Itchy & Scratchy or Tom & Jerry?

We all know that even outside of animation world, here in our world in the "animal kingdom" the cat and mouse have a reputation for being sworn enemies. 

Even in the themesong/ intro one can hardly ignore the similarities. That hypnotic like circular pattern almost target like.
Cats using mice as their prey, they're a good mouse deterrent. And have been used for rodent control since Ancient Egyptian times.

Except different from real life it seems the mouse involved in both shows is just as tough, if not tougher than Mr. Cat lol

From the above thumbnails it's hard to distinguish between the two. 
Perhaps through Itchy and Scratchy was Matt Groening's attempt at taking a jab at televisions ability to negatively influence young viewers. Since young viewers tend to want to emulate what they see. 

Every morning Bart and Lisa can be seen plopped down in front of the T.V. eagerly thrilled at the violent interactions between their beloved Itchy & Scratchy. Not very child friendly.

Itchy and Scratchy though in comparison to Tom and Jerry goes way beyond simple cat and mouse competition that we may observe in our home world. 

Poor Scratchy can never win against that clever mouse Itchy. Itchy is a homicidal mouse hellbent on murdering the Tomcat. 

In conclusion, it seems that the parents of The Simpsons aren't really monitoring their children's T.V. programming choices. Similarly to our world where busy parents who work all day come home thrilled to have their children "behaving". The television serves as a method to get children preoccupied thus lessening the strain on parents.

It also seems that Lisa, Bart and various other children of Springfield are desensitized to violence after repeated viewing of this program. Seemingly innocent but what affect if any does it really have on their minds and development? 

The laughter says it all.

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