Wednesday, February 14, 2018


A tsunami. As usual everyone was all nonchalant about it. Thinking it would only consist of minor flooding and that they could wait it out instead of evacuating. It hit NYC. I was awake watching almost suspended in midair. My friend and I . whatever structure we were in i.e building was overcome by the force of the water. I was prepared" mentally I guess to "die". I didn't panic much because I knew at that point that it was inevitable. The large wave took over the sky. It was above us. It broke through the glass windows. Sweeping us out and leaving us to watch in horror as the wave approached us. Defenseless i decided not to run. For some reason my friend was trying to swim and have fun. Until she saw the magnitude of the waves force. She said she didn't know what a tsunami was. The wave came large as ever high as an airplane and took us in. I was "drowning". I thought about how it was affecting my family in Florida. I wished I was with them. I later became displaced and washed up somewhere else. Another male Caribbean survivor was there. We were wet and sandy. He was Jamaican. At that point my focus shifted to starting anew even if that meant with him. The news showed every "island" person or places with large bodies of water having been affected on a large scale. Japan, Caribbean islands, Philippines, NYC, etc. Cellphones were non existent due to the water damage. The world was up in arms but I was eerily calm. Stay tuned for my interpretation.

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