Saturday, May 6, 2017

Exercising demons Another dream analysis

4/29/17 5:15 am i awoke from a nightmare in which my little sister was possessed by a demonic spirit. She was rolled around the room floor and i couldn't catch her she kept being take around in circles over and over. Then i commanded the demon out screaming Satan get out Satan get behind us then it somewhat subsided i kept screaming in the name of Jesus Christ leave this child leave this child alone in the name of god. She said serenity is not here i kept commanding Satan to leave i held her and she looked demonic her teeth sharp demented stare and glare, i had to stand up and try to catch her cause the demon had her rolling around so fast i couldn't catch her. I thought to myself her father is possessing her his unclean spirit i must save her. Then she came to, and i held her, consoling her.
Image result for possession gif

Now for my interpretation. In the dream our mother was present except she was stiff, paralyzed, in a trace, hypnotized, still, almost lifeless. Basically defenseless. I was the one to have to ultimately intervene in my sisters "exorcism", The whole time I kept saying I will not let her be a product of her upbringing with her narcissistic father. She will rise above him and be better. He was symbolized by Satan. It's my role in real life to save my sister before it's too late. For my mother remains under his spell for over ten years now or just about.

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