Saturday, May 6, 2017

Satan's wrath. Torn between good and evil.

5/4/17 dream of being subdued by satanic force.
Couldn't get up what so ever and was fighting against being taken over. I was screaming for my mother so loudly that's all i really could do. I was screaming but also battling paralysis that was setting in due to the demon trying to silence me. I was being muffled. I actually  ended up screaming muffled sounds in real life as i tried to escape Satan's grip.

I became wrapped under many covers and smothered as i tried to escape the dark room i was in. The door slammed. But my mother heard me and was trying to save me, to find me. she knew where i was but didn't know what was going on but mothers instinct knee i was endangered. I kept trying to yell while the force silenced me.

I was determined to escape or have my mother find me. The bed was my prison, being wrapped tightly with covers like that. As soon as i tried to get up, i was pushed down, the door locked slammed shut and it was like i was farther away from the door, i felt heavy and scared, drowsy, it was a fight to live to not be taken over. I said Satan no you will not take me. He laughed and tried to smother me and then a heavy blanket dropped on top of me and began wrapping tightly.

Now as per usual, time for the analysis. Ever since moving out of my my mother's house 6 years ago. More specifically in the recent four years of moving into my own apartments. I've been feeling the wrath of being overwhelmed by these adult responsibilities. I feel regretful for moving out although that was beyond my control.

Which leads me to believe that the part about the door between my mom and I being so far away symbolizes the fact that I feel my mother is also defenseless in the situation because I'm an adult now. She can't really intervene and save me like she used to when I was a small child. How can she come to the defense of a 24 year old woman? It sounds absurd.

Yet I always find myself reverting to my childhood ways and calling out for mommy when i get stressed. But I know there's basically nothing she can do. Hence the dream.
Image result for gif battle

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