Saturday, May 6, 2017

Modern Day Tragedy: Am I tragic?

Image result for walking disaster

It was 2013 when I sat in Mr. Arters Greek Mythology course. He introduced the topic of tragedy and the origins of the word tragic and how it pertained to Greek society. He summed it up as being a circumstance of your birth. Inevitable because you were destined to live that life. Tragedy was inescapable. Routine,

sometimes wonder if my misfortune was unavoidable. Am I hexed,cursed. Is this a family, generational curse. Yes, i believe so absolutely. And here's why.
It's just this pattern, this track that I've been on throughout my life. It's like the abusers I've met them before in a sense. These demonic entities latch onto my life force and drain it. Looking at each of them it's like looking at all the rest.

 This is not just limited to relationships either. Men,women, friends, spouses. They all shared the same agenda,to see me fail,to bring me down. Sabotage, revenge.  My circumstance of my birth was that I unfortunately was born into a premade situation, i was already endangered, a statistic, a stereotype. You could say. Being brought into a situation i had no control over. perhaps my birth made it even worse. Since once a baby is introduced into a relationship that makes both more likely to feel inclined to stay.  Maybe i am the curse of the curse. Or the blessing.

 Maybe if it weren't for my birth my mother wouldn't have tried to leave my father with such urgency and determination. Maybe he would've killed her then. Either way i was in a torn situation. Born as a product of my home life, my environment? Yet there were also biological factors that came into play with my decline in my mental state. They say under the right circumstances that an illness can awaken. It's already in your genes/dna but not until under negative predicaments does it feed the illness bringing it out to life.

I must be cursed then cause my upbringing was a perfect breeding ground for this disease to thrive. Born to a mentally psychotic father, who's father was unstable mentally who's wife my grandmother was passive like myself yet was born to a very mentally ill mother then a father who was an alcoholic with suicidal tendencies who eventually drowned himself. Similar story on my mothers side suffered abuse at the hands of her mother which she also was abused by her mother and her father was an alcoholic who drowned himself.

I was conveniently exposed to trauma very early in life. Throughout my time in the womb and infancy through my toddler years. It had ceased by age five but that didn't stop the cycle as i call it from hitting my mom again. She had continued to seek out it seemed similar instability. Although my dad wasn't there i still suffered. Exposed to obscenity. A child is fragile, innocent, pure, naive in a sense because they have no familiarity with adult things. Until you introduce it to them. You, the adult. They're so impressionable during the stages I was exposed to trauma because their brains, ideas, interests, identities, personalities and perceptions are still forming.

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