Friday, May 5, 2017

Snakes, A glimpse at the future

Woke up around 4:30 from my own screams. I was in some sort of market, everyone was purchasing unusual items, it was like a fruit market, i was trying to buy something but some snakes followed me and latched on to my neck, they felt unwanted, disgusting, they wouldn't leave me alone. I could feel their cold bodies, wrapping around my neck, it felt so gross. Their leathery skin, scaly skin, i had snakes ambushing me and onlookers just observed and did nothing. I actually screamed aloud in my room, frightened because they felt nasty on my body and I had been trying to avoid them but couldn't. The manner in which they flicked their bodies was really grotesque, they were coiling, slithering, it was petrifying. They looked like garden hoses. But it was like they were snake like, like I had perceived them as snakes.
Image result for light green snakes
Ironically, later on that day after having forgotten about the dream. I went to a green market. Everything happened so fast cause this hadn't been my intention. I randomly awoke and decided to head out.  After my initial appointment I spotted the market and went in with intent to buy a plant. I was going to get a standard plant with regular leaves or my favorite bromeliad.

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 But wound up instead with a large plant with long swordlike leaves that looked alive. Very alive. And that's when it hit me. I was in the same market as my dream. Seeing the same people standing in line, looking at me. Except there were no snakes. Except I couldn't help but make the connection between the resemblance to the snakes in the dream. Their color, their long bodies, the way I was holding them. And my plant. The plant replaced the snakes in my dream as all.
see any resemblance?
This is the Dracena-Indivisa Plant.

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