Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Elephant man

Every time i try to sleep I'm bombarded with images from my past. Just now i saw i was on a plane but the plane aisles started extending so long. Just now I had another vivid dream. I dreamt that i was at gamestop and I crept up behind the counter. Then i saw a deformed man in front of me who has what seemed like elephantitis mimicking symptoms. His mouth stretched out and tripled even quadrupled in size. Swelling, bumps and ridges on his face. So vivid peeling skin tumors growths and yet. Part of me loved him.

He was ashamed he tried to place a bag over his head to cover. I took it off I said no baby you're drawing more attention. I accept you. He was so calm, i felt his beauty even through his condition. I was supportive every step of the way. weirdly enough while looking at him i saw behind the deformities. I saw beauty. Maybe this signifies my maturity to overlook whats on the surface. For love. I feel like I no longer have a preference, just the desire to be loved. Even if that means being able to look past physical flaws and love and appreciate what's within.

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