Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Guardian in Disguise

I had a dream of my grandmother. My late grandmother. She was up close to me. I was at a store. In the aisle. And she was with her back turned, she was seeming like she was looking for something. Like she was hiding her identity from me. But being in that store i couldn't help but feel as if i had known her. I stared intrigued by her beauty. She looked so much like me. Her brown skin, her pulled back hair. I looked at her,then i got close.

I knew her.she saw that i had spotted her.her identity was revealed. I know you i thought, it's you! She turned at me. I looked at her face for long. She stood up tall, her right eye was non existent, like she had been blinded. It reminded me of when she had been buried. Maybe thats how her eyes had lost color, from being deceased. It was eerie. Yet i didn't fear death. She was in front of me, dead yet alive in spirit. Not too gory. But, everything else was beautiful but her eye was gone. She looked fatigued, stressed.

 looked up at her,she towered over me, she had a free flowing garment on white, almost angelic. I looked at her she looked at me in silence. Her face looked worn, like she was grieving for me. In pain with my pain, from seeing me in pain. I knew she had been watching my struggle, but it had not gone unnoticed. I got close, she spoke for the first time in years. I love you. I just kept hugging her, trying to feel her flesh. Confused because although she was passed i could feel her body. Smell her aroma, feel her warm skin. Like she had never left earth.

Her face on mine, was comforting. I was so anxious. I just kept hugging her,some parts of her felt like an illusion. I knew she was dead but i was trying desperately to grasp what little i could. I cherished the moment. To have her back in front of me in human form. She told me im proud of you. Yet she still had a stern look as if she was warning me of something. But she still showed me that she still cared. Her hair had become undone she seemed almost to levitate. Like she had retrieved her body and filled it with her soul just to appear to me decently. It was amazing.

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