Saturday, March 11, 2017

Dream four: held against my will by a monster in disguise

So this morning I had yet another bizarre ream. I vaguely remember but what I do remember is very startling. i was in a moving vehicle. but the person behind the wheel wouldn't stop the car. i grew frantic, i sensed something was wrong. with urgency i planned my escape. but it was like the driver was able to sense my growing suspicion. i tried to remain calm an to keep my knowledge of his sick motives hidden. but still he picked up on it. i noticed the mans expression change, his entire demeanor. his face looked so very sinister, like either he was deteriorating, or simply maybe  his true form was struggling to come to the surface and be exposed.

 His face looked like it was forming craters, like his face was a mere costume mask, designed for movies of some sort. a performer, a villain cast in a movie, a zombie-like, Freddy Kruger look-alike. i cant quite recall just how i had ended up in his vehicle. perhaps he was a cab driver id had encountered on my many travels. you see, I'm addicted to cabs. i take them constantly, i take mostly uber cabs that can b easily tracked, my journey shared with my friends and family. if its any other cab I'm sure to give the drivers id details, registration and license plate, make and model of the car. but that's real life.

Maybe this time unfortunately i had forgotten to do these things, to take these precautionary measures. what a wrong move that was. now, i was paying the consequences. when the driver noticed his true grotesque form was seeping through the cracks of his costume and mask. i tried asking the driver where he was going, alerting him that maybe he had been mistaken, that he was going the wrong way. i knew h was evil, he had ulterior motives. But the naive part of me, the hopeful, optimistic part of me was hoping, wishing he'd recognize his mistake and turn back around. i tried to force myself to focus on the "good" in him. The good aspects that every person must have. right? wrong, maybe some people lack that goodness.

 All my life I've given people who hurt me excuses. I need to let them take responsibility, ownership of their devilish deeds. i was telling the costume man, as I'll now refer to him as that he was going the wring way but as i was i discreetly had my hand on the handle of the car door. i told him one last time that he was going the wrong way and he just ignored me. I could feel him listening but ignoring. but I was no fool, i knew he had indeed heard me but he had other plans. I then knew that he would never stop his plans. That's when i put my own plan in motion, my escape plan. i jolted open the car door and jumped out. onto a busy, crowded street. it may have even been a highway. there were so many thoughts and feelings running through my mind. fear, apprehension, uncertainty.

 But before i jumped out i knew one thing and that was that i was getting out of that car. No matter what came afterward. As i tumbled onto the street my fears only intensified. i had to face my fears now. my skin scraped the road, my bones cracking, flesh tearing and bruising. just as other vehicles began to approach, as cars do on a street. my fears intensified. torn and nearly crippled, debilitated and disabled i began to think now a car is going to hit me or run over me, and I'll be dead. Just then I abruptly awoke.

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