Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Everyday as I'm going over the bridge approaching Manhattan and departing Brooklyn. I play a little game. I tell myself that there's a race against time. For me to spot and observe as many things as I can before disappearing underground.

I usually tend to spot the same old things time after time. The same old stores, same old graffiti. But, this time was different. This time in my desperate quest, my search for sights, I struck "gold".

I saw something new. A word, etched into a tan bricked building. No, it wasn't the usual graffiti. In fact, it wasn't even graffiti at all. The word FORWARD clear as day, was spelled out using the bricks in the building's composition and design.

I'm always a firm believer in signs. And this instance was no different. I believe it to be just another sign from above.

FORWARD: As in move forward with your life. Do not stay grounded, advance, as you have been progressing in life this far.

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